PercoTop Putty CS160

PercoTop® CS160 Putty is a high quality putty based on unsaturated polyester resins. It has very homogen us filling properties and shows excellent sandability, also after IR drying.

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Product description



Bare steel and aluminium sheet.
Galvanised steel.
Cleaned and sanded UP-GF (free from mould release agent).
Cured 2K primers and fillers.
Scuff-sanded old finish.

Surface preparation:

Substrates must be free from all contaminants.  
For UP-GF substrates:

  • Eliminate all traces of mould release agents.
  • Scuff sand.
  • Clean with CS410 before applying the putty.


Activator: CS760 PercoTop putty Activator

Mixing Ratio:

100:2-3 by weight

Pot Life at 20°C:

2 - 4 minutes



Air drying at 20°C: 20 - 30 minutes
IR drying:

Medium wave: 5 minutes.
Short wave: 3 minutes (at 50% power).